Romanians are writing history at the greatest physics experiment ever developed by the human kind

During my internship at CERN I had the chance be part of a series of interviews organized by the national TV media group in Romania - ProTV. For this I have given a full interview about my background and my take on how IT will be involved in our daily life and I also participated in a group interview with other CERN IT engineers.

The interview series covered all the research areas happening at CERN and it was a great outreach opportunity to share back home in Romania the work we are doing at CERN.  My interview was very well received by the IT community around me.

Great thanks to Andrada Fiscutean for having us glow in such a bright light and for telling our stories.

Here it the complete list of links for our interviews:

My story:

The Romanian IT at CERN story:
The full story: